Just a little page to allow you to contact me as I would rather strip paint and glaze windows than write code.
However a bit about me. I am restoring windows after a career in academia supporting physics teaching. I saw a need for this craft after serving on a historic district commission for many years and hearing applicants asking for replacement windows because they can’t find anyone to fix their historic wood windows.
I treat your windows as if they were going to be in my house. I use traditional materials whenever I can like linseed oil putty. Whenever I can I do dutchman repairs rather filling with epoxy putty. Paint is your choice of linseed oil paint, premium acrylic latex or an alkyd enamel (oil based).
Of course if there is any possibility of the presence of lead paint, the area under going work is tented to keep the rest of the house clean and all work areas are cleaned to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) standards.